
When Is It Too Late To Change Classes In High School


Are you almost to start college shortly? Are you wondering what changes to expect? How is higher dissimilar from high school? When yous compare high school vs higher, yous'll notice many differences, some of which are obvious, others less and then.

It's important to understand how high school and higher are different from each other then you know what to expect and tin can take a smoother transition when you brainstorm college. In this guide, nosotros explicate the 15 most of import differences between high schoolhouse and higher and give you tips to help make this major life change a bit less intimidating.

How Is College Dissimilar From High School?

There's a reason so many movies, shows, and books focus on new college students: many people come across the transition from high school to higher equally one of the most important turning points in their life. You're no longer a kid living under your parents' roof; instead you're an adult living on your ain and expected to brand existent, important decisions about your time to come.

You lot'll take a lot more freedom, but a lot volition likewise be expected from y'all, both in class and out. Read on to acquire specific high school vs college differences.

High School vs College: 15 Key Differences

Below are 15 high schoolhouse vs higher differences you'll likely encounter in one case y'all begin college. At that place are pros and cons to both high school and higher, but knowing what to expect will make you better prepared for this large alter.

#1: You'll Have More than Independence

The biggest modify for high schoolhouse vs. college is that, in college, you lot'll have much more independence than you had in high schoolhouse. Many people focus on the fact that you lot'll exist living away from your parents, and this is a office of it, but you'll have independence in many other areas equally well.

You'll have the liberty to decide what you desire to major in, which classes you want to take, when you want to schedule those classes, if y'all desire to go out with your friends, how late you want to stay out, even what you desire to eat in the dining hall. (I ate Reese's Puffs cereal every twenty-four hours for four years because my parents never allowed it and I was thrilled to finally be able to have information technology for breakfast.)

#2: You'll Be Treated Like an Adult

Along with your increased independence, you'll as well be treated like an adult in higher as opposed to a child under your parents' care. In higher, you'll no longer need to bring your parents permission slips to sign, y'all'll be trusted to make your ain choices for what you desire to study, and you tin arrange meetings yourself, without Mom and Dad helping you.

For many students, information technology's exciting to finally be viewed as an adult, simply information technology likewise means an increase in responsibilities. If you have a problem with or question virtually homework, classes, a grade you got, etc., you are the one who will need to solve it. You can't expect your parents to telephone call the school and prepare the problem for you like they may have done in high schoolhouse.

#3: There Will Be a Wider Diverseness of Classes to Choose From

In loftier school, you lot didn't have a lot of selection in regards to which classes you took. You could probably cull a few electives, but your schedule was mostly filled with the standard math, science, English language, and social studies requirements that all students had to accept.

In college, even if y'all attend a smaller school, yous'll have many more than options. They'll be a wider variety of classes to choose from, and many of them volition focus on more specific topics similar astronomy, aboriginal Roman history, French literature, the geography of the United States, and more. Many college students like this increase in class options since information technology makes it easier for them to choose classes on topics they're really interested in.


#4: Classes Will Take Different Formats and Sizes

Each class you took in high school probably had about the same number of students and consisted mostly of lecturing, possibly along with some individual or group work. This isn't true in college. Classes can range from two to 500 students, and their format can vary widely as well. Classes may be completely lecture-based, crave easily-on lab work, or exist discussion-based where you spend most of class time engaged in conversations or debates with your classmates and professor.

#5: Your Schedule Will Be More Complicated

In high school, school started and ended the aforementioned fourth dimension every twenty-four hours, and your course schedule was probably the same for every day of the calendar week. In higher, things get a little trickier. Some classes meet 3 times a calendar week for an hour and a one-half, some meet 5 times a week for an hr, some meet once a week for iii hours, etc. This means you'll likely be starting and ending class at different times during the week, and you may stop upwards with a different class schedule for every twenty-four hours of the week.

Some people like the diverseness this gives them, but information technology's important to stay on top of your schedule so y'all don't wind up forgetting to attend class.

#6: You'll Have a New Set of Classmates

Ane of the most jarring things for many new college students is they're no longer surrounded by classmates and friends they've known for years. Instead, you'll exist in a ocean of strangers (at least at first), many of whom come from different areas and backgrounds than you. Additionally, you lot'll likely take a different set of classmates for each of your classes. That'south a lot of new faces!

This means you take lots of opportunity for making all kinds of friends, but expect there to be some clumsiness and loneliness at starting time as anybody gets to know each other and figures out their friend groups. Additionally, since in college everyone wants to be in that location (at least on some level), you may observe your college classmates more motivated and dedicated to doing well in school compared to some of your high schoolhouse peers.

#7: Classes Will Require More Disquisitional Thinking

Is higher hard compared to high schoolhouse? Going to college isn't only like attending iv more years of high school. This is a big footstep upwardly in your didactics, and your classes volition be more challenging and expect you to proceed up. You lot'll be tested less on memorization and basic regurgitation of facts and more than on disquisitional thinking skills and existence able to apply what you learned in class to other situations.

You may acquire a specific math equation and and then be asked to utilise that knowledge to more than challenging types of equations, learn about dissimilar historical events and exist asked to analyze how they affected future events, larn a scientific process and exist asked to describe how it affects the surround, etc.

#viii: College Costs More

There'southward no manner around it; college definitely costs more than loftier schoolhouse. Tuition is thousands of dollars, and you'll likely be paying for room and lath too. And those are just the principal costs. Higher requires all sorts of smaller purchases besides, like special goggles for your chemistry lab or official examination taking booklets for final exams. Ownership merely one college textbook (oft over $100) is enough to never let you take for granted all free materials you got in high school.


#ix: Yous'll Spend Less Fourth dimension in Class

Most full-fourth dimension college students spend about 15-twenty hours in form a week, which comes out to about iii or four hours a day. This is probably much less time than y'all spent in high school classes every day which means you'll have a lot more unscheduled time to spend how you recollect is all-time.

#10: You'll Take More Schoolwork

Don't go too excited about spending less fourth dimension in course; college definitely knows how to keep you busy. The general rule of thumb is that you'll spend most three hours a week on schoolwork for every i hour of course you're in.

With a standard schedule of xv credits, that ways you can await to spend 45 hours a calendar week on schoolwork, most as much as a full-time chore! This is oftentimes much more work than students had in high school, then you should be prepared for an adjustment.

#eleven: Omnipresence Will Exist Up to Yous

In high schoolhouse, y'all had to go to class every twenty-four hour period considering if you didn't, yous could become in trouble for truancy or (sometimes fifty-fifty more frightening) your parents could find out. In college, at that place are no requirements for attention class, and no i is going to call your parents if you don't prove up. However, don't brand the mistake some higher students do and think this means y'all don't need to go to class.

Many professors include omnipresence as part of your class, and some will even fail you if you miss a sure number of classes without a valid alibi. Plus, it's often very difficult to do well in a grade if you never show up, and y'all're paying a lot of money for these classes! Make sure you become the most out of them that you can.

#12: You'll Have More Social Opportunities

Fifty-fifty if you were a social butterfly in high schoolhouse, you lot'll accept tons more opportunities to exist social and brand friends in college. There will be sports teams to join, parties to go to, clubs yous can exist function of, and more. Most colleges are big enough to have something for everyone, so y'all're bound to detect an activity you're interested in, whether that's a recreational hockey team, the student government group, a social club focused on promoting renewable free energy, and more.

At that place are as well likely many more students at your college than there were at your high school, and then your opportunities for making friends will multiply too. Even so, you do demand to make an effort to get the most out of these opportunities. Push yourself to try new things and strike up conversations with new people, and if you're feeling nervous, but recall that they're likely feeling the aforementioned way. Standard questions to ask new people y'all meet in college include: Where are you from? What dorm do you live in? What are you majoring in? Become ready to ask and exist asked these questions a lot!


#13: Information technology'll Be Harder to Stand Out

In one case yous starting time college, you won't be a big fish in a small pond anymore, and it'll be harder to stand out from the oversupply. While in high school you may have been the star student/athlete/vocalizer, in college yous'll be surrounded by many talented classmates, many of whom were also the best at something in loftier school. Some students struggle with no longer automatically continuing out, but there are enough of benefits to this.

Offset, yous'll be able to bail with other students who are besides skilled at your talent. If you were, say, the star drama student at your high school, you lot may not hold the same position in college, but you can befriend all the other loftier school drama stars and create some awesome shows together.

Additionally, some students like the anonymity being a new higher pupil brings. If yous've been labelled as a jock or theater nerd for all of high school, going to college--where people don't know you--allows you to shed or modify that identity if you wish and try new things (or endeavour the same things with less pressure).

#14: Yous'll Get Fewer Grades in Class

In high school, you probably had daily homework assignments you had to consummate and got a grade for. These, along with some larger projects, quizzes, and tests fabricated upwardly your final grade class. If yous got a low score in one, information technology was usually fine since at that place were plenty of other chances to brand upwards for the low grade.

Once yous starting time college, you may find that many classes have far fewer assignments, meaning you'll receive fewer grades and each of those grades are worth more than. Instead of regular homework assignments and quizzes, many college classes are based only on a midterm course and a concluding class. This means you lot need to have those exams/papers/projects very seriously because if y'all mess up on one of them it'll exist very difficult to raise your class class back to where you want it to be.

#15: Y'all'll Be Doing Lots of Reading

You know those pictures of exhausted-looking students sitting side by side to a pile of textbooks they need to get through? That's how many college students experience. Wait to practise lots of reading in higher, including textbooks, journal articles, and literature. If you're majoring in a field like computer science or math you can look less reading (and more than homework), simply y'all're still guaranteed to accept at least a few classes where you lot're assigned to read a couple dozen textbook pages before the next course. You lot'll get to know your school's library very well.


Tips for Making the Transition From High School to Higher

Going from high school to college tin can be tough no thing how excited yous are to start at your new school. Below are three tips to help make the transition easier.

Know At that place Volition Be Changes

You've already taken one of the most important steps to gear up for transitioning from high schoolhouse to college: you're expecting and preparing for the differences. When you know that the high school to college transition will bring major changes, you'll be more prepared for anything that comes your fashion.

Be Prepared for Some Bumps

Many movies nigh college arrive seem like new college students immediately find a group of close friends, know exactly what they want to study, and have an awesome social life. In reality, information technology rarely works like this. Many new higher students have moments where they feel awkward, lonely, and homesick. This is completely normal; later all you're making a major life modify.

By managing your expectations of college and not expecting to beloved it right away, you can amend manage the transition from high school to college and not terminate upwardly disappointed when it takes a petty while to feel comfortable.

Put Yourself Out There

When yous first showtime college, there will be a lot of changes, and it'll be easy to hang out in your dorm room and text with your high schoolhouse friends. However, you should resist this urge.

College is probably the best time yous'll e'er have to meet new people and try new things, then you should accept full advantage. Continue your dorm room door open to meet your neighbors. Strike up a conversation with your chemistry lab partner. Join a club or sport you've never tried before. Non only will this make the transition from loftier school to college easier since y'all'll be meeting more people, yous may detect a new friend or hobby.

What's Side by side?

Not certain which college you want to go to? Check out our guide on choosing the right college so you can make the best decision.

Stressing over college applications? Nosotros're here to help! Our step-past-pace guide breaks downwards the consummate college awarding process from start to stop.

Worried about choosing a major on your college applications? Learn how to navigate the procedure and brand an informed conclusion.

One of the single near important parts of your college application is what classes you choose to accept in high school (in conjunction with how well you do in those classes). Our team of PrepScholar admissions experts take compiled their knowledge into this single guide to planning out your loftier school course schedule. We'll propose you on how to balance your schedule between regular and honors/AP/IB courses, how to choose your extracurriculars, and what classes you lot tin can't afford not to take.

Plan Your Course Schedule

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About the Writer

Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biological science and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In loftier school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biological science in several countries.


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